Why do I see a different number of items when I export two different languages?

Sometimes, when you export two different languages in our Translate My Store & Currency app, you may notice the CSV files have a different number of translations, meaning some items appear missing from one of your languages.


This is due to base text that has been heavily altered or deleted. These text elements may have been translated first, and then the base text are removed, but the translations are still available. When you export this language, these now deleted base text elements and their translations will still appear on the exported CSV.

When you export a new CSV for a second language, if these text elements have not been translated before, and the base text has been removed, they will not appear in the CSV. Since we do not need to include items that have neither the base text nor the translation text, and you do not need to worry about their translation either. Thus, two different languages have a different number of exported text items.

The most important thing to understand, is that noticing that two different exported languages have a different number of items in the CSV file is not usually a cause for concern. It does not necessarily mean that one language has anything missing. You may translate these exported CSV files and then import them as normal without issue.

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