Changing the format of your translated themes (TMS)

If you notice formatting issues after you translate text using our Translate My Store & Currency app, there may be a way to fix it. As your theme is in control of the format in which content is displayed, this guide is useful for customizing translated elements for other languages.

First we can look at the resource type "Online Store Theme". 

Here we can see many sub categories that we can translate.

We will be going into "products" -> "product".

There are many different fields to translate in "product", but we are going to look at "from_lowest_price_html"

As you can see below, the word "from" in Japanese is after the "lowest_price"

But in the English translation we are able to put the word "From" before the "lowest_price", making the price easier to read in English 

Before the change in Japanese:


And now after the change:


This same Logic can be used to customize all other languages to make sure your Stores Theme is perfectly readable in any language.

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