How to translate "Powered by Shopify" or empty text? (TMS)

Certain text such as the "Powered by Shopify" text in most Shopify stores footers might be unwanted and can be removed easily from your default language display page.

However, it can be a bit more tricky for your translated pages, as the method for removing this text is a bit different, but still very quick.

First lets start by removing the "Powered by Shopify" text from our Themes default language layout.

Click on "..." -> "Edit default theme content"

Here we can search "powered" to find the element, and then enter a single space (" ") in this text box below to replace the text with an invisible space.

Now in my Default language, the text no longer displays 

However, the text still displays in my translated pages (French)

We can simply go to TMS "Manual Translation" and use the options below to replace the translated text with a single space (" ").

Now the "Powered by Shopify" text will be invisible in my French language.

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