Auto-coverage replacing Manual or AI Translations

There are cases where translations made in the Manual or AI translation tool are replaced by the Auto-coverage feature. We can verify if this is the case by:

  1. Confirming if auto-coverage is enabled
  2. Checking the translation to see if this exists in the Manual or AI Translation tool and then compare this with the one showing on the storefront.
  3. If the translated text changes to a different one after the page finishes loading, then the auto-coverage translation replaces the translated text.

An example of this issue can be seen in the image below. This is the initial translation when the store is loading.
However, shortly after the store finishes loading, this is replaced by the translation in the image below. The replaced words are the following: nos and grades to non and notes.
This is in conflict with the original translation text available, which has the nos and grades included in the published translation.
To solve this, what we can do is to wrap the translation text with the following code:

<span class="notranslate"></span>

You can refer to the image below for reference on where to wrap this.
By wrapping the translation text with the code, this prevents auto-coverage from translating this specific field of text.
If you still have issues after following these instructions, please contact us for support.
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