How can I prevent Auto-Coverage or Basic Translations from translating some text?

The Basic Translations and Auto Coverage feature are both designed to translate all the text on your store. Sometimes there might be some text that you do not want to translate this way, and this guide will explain how you can do this.

The easiest way is to provide a translation with another translation tool. The best one to use in this situation is the Visual Editor's Custom Translations, which are covered by this guide. Visual Editor Custom Translations (TMS) – Hextom

If you create a Visual Editor Custom Translation, then the Auto Coverage or Basic Translations will not effect that text, even if the custom translation is the same as the default language text.

If you are using Basic Translations, you will need to change to Advanced Translations first. Then you can make the Visual Editor Translation, and then change back to Basic Translations.

If you do not have access to the Visual Editor, then you can make a Manual Translation with the Manual Translation tool's keyword search, as covered in this guide How to use Keyword Search to find text to translate (TMS) – Hextom

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