How to use "Advanced Filter" to find text to translate (TMS)

You would like to create a AI translation for your collection, however, you'd also only like to translate a specific field for these collections, rather than all fields. In such cases, using the app's Advanced filter can help you with this.

Advanced Filter is available only in AI translations and requires the app’s paid plan.

Accessing Advanced Filter

1. After accessing AI translations, and loading a text to translate for a language, click on Configure.

  1. You will be redirected to a page showing the Basic filter as well as the Original texts below for the collection. From here, you can click on Switch to advanced filter.

    You will see this page.

Using Advanced Filter

There are two scenarios where you can use the advanced filter:

1. You can use this to translate a specific category or sub-category. A sub-category refers to fields within some categories, such as: title, body html, URL handle, meta title, meta description, and metafield.

Selecting a category with available sub-categories will display the option to translate specific fields. To translate only the collection title, it should look like this:

2. You can use the advanced filter to exclude a specific category or sub-category. To do this:

a. Select All in category to translate.

b. This will give an option to exclude a category. Choose Yes.

c. You can select a category to exclude.

d. If the category has a sub-category, you'll also see an option to exclude a specific sub-category.

Once the translation task begins, it will translate as specified and exclude the selected category or sub-category.

You can also watch the video tutorial below for additional details.

If you have any concerns or feedback with the feature, please let us know at

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