How can I translate custom liquid sections?

Custom liquid code is not included in the Shopify Native Translation feature, and can't be translated with the Manual and AI translation tools. However, there are a few ways that you can translate custom liquid sections of your theme.

The first is to use Basic Translation. Basic Translation will translate your entire store, but these translations can't be edited. You can change a language to Basic Translation from the Languages page in our app, under the More actions button. Adding a language to your store in our app will have the language use Basic Translation by default.

The second way is to enable Auto Coverage. This feature will use Basic Translation to translate text not otherwise translated with the other translation tools. You can enable auto coverage in the exact same place as Basic Translation; the More actions button on the Languages page in our app. You can read more about that feature here What is "auto coverage" feature? (TMS) – Hextom

The final option, is to use the Visual Editor. We have a video guide for that feature available here -  How to translate 3rd party apps and dynamic text with the Visual Editor? (TMS) – Hextom

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