How to add selector to a custom position on my website?

Hextom: Translate & Currency app offers three options to add a currency/language selector to your website. To place the selector in a custom position in the header or footer, use the "Custom position" option under "Placement Option" in the app. Please refer to the step-by-step instructions below.

1. Go to "Hextom: Translate & Currency" app >> "Selector" page.

2. Enable the selector, and choose "Custom position" under "Placement Option", and click "Save".

3. Go to your Shopify admin >> "Sales channels" >> "Online store" >> "Themes", and click the "Customize" button.

4. Go to "App embeds" and ensure "Translator Core Snippet" is enabled. If it is not, please enable it and click the "Save" button at the top right corner.

5. Go to the "Section" at the left panel. To add the selector in the header, click "Header" >> "Add block" >> choose "Apps" >> "Selector Desktop", and select it.

6. After selecting it, the selector for desktop will be added in the header as shown in the screenshot below. You can drag and drop to adjust its position, then click the "Save" button.

7.  We can apply the same steps for mobile view by clicking the "Mobile" icon. To add the selector to the footer, click "App block" under "Footer" >> choose "Apps" and select "Selector Mobile".

8. After selecting it, the selector for mobile will be added in the footer as shown in the screenshot below. You can drag and drop to adjust the position, then click the "Save" button.

All set! You can visit your website, and the selector for both desktop and mobile should be displayed in the chosen positions. If you have any questions, please email us at

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