Translation Overview

Translating your store will allow you to reach many more customers all over the world, and our app "Hextom: Translate and Currency" is a powerful translation app, containing several different translation tools to help you achieve this! This guide will help you get started with these tools, so you can translate your store quickly and easily!

If you prefer a video guide, we have one available right here:

There are a few steps to follow to translate your store. You will need to add the languages to your store, publish them, and create the translation data through either our Basic Translations, or Advanced Translations.

Adding a new Language to your store

The first step to getting your store translated, is to add some new languages to your store. If you have already added any languages to your store through the Shopify Admin, or with anther app, you can see them on the Languages page in our app. If you don't see the languages you want on that page, its very easy to add them, with the dropdown, as shown below.

Then, you can publish is from the same place.

Enable the Theme Extension

The next thing you will need to do is enable our app's theme extension. You can do this by going to the Selector page in our app, and following this link

Then, on the page it takes you to, enable our theme extension, and then hit save.

Basic and Advanced Translations

Whenever you add a language through our app, that language will have a Basic Translation applied by default. Basic Translations are quick & easy to set up, but they can't be edited. If you need to edit your translations, then you will want to use Advanced Translations instead. Unlike Basic Translations, Advanced Translations can be edited, and are saved with Shopify Through the Shopify Native Translation feature. This means that they are more SEO friendly, and are faster to load.

Using Advanced Translations

You can change a language from Basic translations to Advanced from the "More Actions" button on the Languages Page in our app.

To use Advanced Translations, you must first have our app Scan your store. Our app will do this on its own when you first change a language to use Advanced Translations. You can have our app scan your store by pressing the yellow Scan Items button on the dashboard page of our app, as shown below.

This Scan is how our app detects what text is on your store, and what translation text exists in the Shopify Native Translation feature already. For our app to see changes to your store, you will need to run another scan task.

The Advanced Translation Tools

The Manual Translation Tool allows you to create Translations for your store by hand. It is always free to use, and can be used to edit your Advanced Translations. We have a full guide on this tool available here: How to use Manual Translation with Translate My Store (TMS) App? – Hextom

The AI Translation Tool allows you to have our app create translations for your store with our AI translator. It can translate a number of words depending on your subscription level. We have a full guide on this tool available here: How to use AI Translation with Translate My Store (TMS) App? – Hextom

Import/Export Tool allows you to export the text of your store in a CSV file that you can fill out with Translations, and then import the completed spreadsheet later. We have a ful guide on this feature here: How to use Excel Import Translation with Translate My Store (TMS) App? – Hextom

The Visual Editor tool can be used to translate text from other apps, which is not otherwise possible with Advanced Translations. We have a guide on this tool here: How to translate 3rd party apps and dynamic text with the Visual Editor? (TMS) – Hextom

Auto-Coverage is an option for Advanced Translations that will apply Basic Translations to all text not translated with the other Advanced Translation tools. This is useful, because you can use the Manual/AI translation tools to translate some text that you want a specific translation for, and use a Basic Translation for the rest of your store. We have a guide that explains more about this feature here: What is "auto coverage" feature? (TMS) – Hextom

If you want to get started with the currency conversion features of the app, you can find that guide here Getting Started With Currency Conversion

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