Export/Import Translation File Format Guide

When importing translation to our app, the file format supported are Excel (.xlsx) and comma-separated values (csv) file. It can also support a Spreadsheet URL.

When exporting translations, the file format is always Excel (.xlsx).

The file export will always contain the following columns, and is also necessary when importing a file to our app:

- Decrypted Item ID

- Base Language (en, jp, de)

- Translated Language (fr, es, sv)

- Type (collection, product, theme)

- Subtype (title, handle, name)

- Base Text

- Translated Text

- Metafield Info

- Collection ID

- Product ID

If you are unsure of the file that you will import, you can always export the translations from the app first, and then add the translations to this file, before importing this same file.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at help@hextom.com

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