How-to-fix Cart Drawer Issue with Upcart

Background of the Issue

If you have the application Upcart installed in our app, there may be instances where on the translated page, the cart drawer remains open, and cannot be closed, even when clicking on the "X" button.

As the Upcart application uses metafields to store relevant app settings and cart designs, it is possible that these settings were translated, causing the issue.


Removing the translation of the Upcart setting text should fix the issue.

To remove this:

1. Access the dashboard, and click on Manual Translation.

2. After choosing the affected language, click the Translate button on the category "Shop & Metafield".

3. Once in this page, locate metafields that has the word "upcart" included, and either remove the translation, or use the same word as translated text, like in the image below.

This should fix the issue with the Cart drawer not closing.

If you do not have Upcart but experience the issue, or this issue persists even translations have been removed, please let us know at so that we can assist you.

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