Why is my Checkout not Translated? (TMS)

If you are using Basic Translation and wondering why the Checkout page is not translated, this is because the Basic Translation cannot translate the Checkout page. If you want to translate the page, you would have to switch to the Advanced translation and create a translation task. We recommend using the AI translation to translate the page. We have a guide on this link on how to use the AI translation.

If you are using Advance Translation and the Checkout page is not translated, then there are a few reasons why your checkout might not appear translated. The two most common reasons are that the translation may not yet exist, or that there is a routing issue with your theme, where the customer is sent to the default language checkout instead of the appropriate one.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the translation for your checkout exists inside our app. You can do this by using the manual translation tool, and searching for All translations of the online store theme >> Shopify >> Checkout, as shown here:

If you do not see the translations of your checkout's text there, creating them with any of our translation tools will solve your problem. If they are there, the next thing to check is to see if your theme has a routing issue.

You can check to see if your theme code has a routing issue, where the customer are sent to the wrong checkout by looking at your theme code.

Since every theme is different, this guide cannot give you an exact walkthrough that will apply to every theme. Instead we will try to describe the steps ad closely as we can.

You can access your theme code in the Admin >> Online Store >> Themes >> Actions >> Edit Code


Once there, use the search in the top left to search for the word "cart." We are looking for a file that will be named something similar to "Cart.Liquid" and possibly a second file named something like "AjaxCart.liquid." They will usually be in the "Sections" or "Templates" folders. The name can be quite different depending on your theme, but it should always have the word "cart" in the title, and end with ".Liquid." In my test store's Dawn theme the file is called "main-cart-items.liquid"


Once there, we want to search the page for the text "/cart"

I do this by hitting ctr+f on my keyboard to bring up the page text search, (cmd+f on mac) and type in /cart.

This text will likely appear in the code in more than one place. We are looking for either:

<form action="cart"


<a href="/cart"

Once located, we change the text "/cart" to be "{{ routes.cart_url }}" instead. Is should now look like a bit like this:


And that will make your theme send customers to the correct language checkout when appropriate.

If you are unable to investigate and fix this yourself, or if the above steps do not solve the problem for you, please reach out to us at help@hextom.com and we will be happy to help you!

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