How to setup autopilot translation •

Activating the Autopilot translation allows our app to periodically scan your store to get new texts and automatically use AI to translate them into the enabled languages.

The Autopilot translation is only available in the Pro plan and above.

Please follow the steps below on how to set up the autopilot translation:

  1. Go to the "AI & Autopilot Translation" page and click on the "Autopilot translation" tab.

  1. Toggle the switch on to enable the autopilot translation for your selected languages. You can activate multiple languages.

  1. Lastly, you can select how you would like the changes to be saved.
  • The "Save" button does not trigger auto-translation right away. It will auto-start after the next periodical scan.
  • The "Save & Auto Translate now" button will create the AI translation tasks for the selected languages right away.

Optional Step:

If you only want to auto-translate certain categories on your store, you can use the app's Basic and Advanced filters. For example, if you want to auto-translate the product category, choose "Product" from the drop-down list. Like so,

You can switch to the Advanced Filter for more detailed translation options. For instance, if you want to auto-translate only the product descriptions of published products, you can configure the Advanced Filter as shown in the screenshots below. To learn more about the advanced filter, please check this guide.

We also offer a video tutorial if you prefer to follow along visually:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

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