Can I display default language based on website visitors' geo location?

Displaying language based solely on geolocation can be inaccurate, as some regions have multiple official languages. For example, both English and French are spoken in Canada. Instead, we support displaying language based on the visitor's browser language preference using the auto-redirection feature of the app.

With this approach, if a visitor's browser language is set to English, the website will default to English. Similarly, if their browser language is set to French, the website will automatically display in French.

The auto-redirection feature is only available in paid plans.

To set up the Language Auto-redirection, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Selector page located in the sidebar.

  2. Scroll down until you see the Selector Redirection Configuration section. Click the drop-down for Default language and select the option "Customer's browser language" from the list. Lastly, click on "Save".

If you want to test if the auto-redirection feature is working on your store, please check this guide.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to if you have any additional questions or concerns about the app. We're happy to assist!

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