How to configure the Language and Currency Selector?

The Translate My Store + Currency Selector is very customizable. We have a video that goes over that various customization available here:

The Selector has options to be just "Languages Selector", just a "Regions/Currencies Selector" or both as a "Languages and Regions/Currencies Selector"

What options are available depends on your Markets settings. In the above example, I can use a language selector, since I have multiple languages, and multiple currencies in my markets settings, which you can see on the "Regions and Languages" page of the app:

If there are only multiple languages, then the "Regions/Currencies Selector" option will not be available.

There are also several visual configuration options, including the ability to re-order the displayed languages, include or not include regional flags, whether to include the currency symbol or code, the colour of the text, and opacity of the entire selector, allowing you to make it more see-through.

The Selector can also be inserted into the website header, or floating and always seen.

When the Floating option is selected, you can adjust its position by changing the padding. Increasing the passing will move it farther from the edge of the screen, and decreasing it will move it closer to the edge.

The "Insert into the Website Header" supports a very large list of themes. If the theme your store uses is not on this list, please let us know at, so we can add your theme to the list!

The selector can also control the default Language and Currency your customers will see when they first visit your store. If you have a paid plan, then we include the option to automatically detect the language of the customer's browser, and the region they are visiting from, and assign the appropriate language and currency. You can also select a specific language or currency to display when they visit.

The selector can also enable Right-To-Left Layout. This will let your theme know when a language that uses this direction is selected, so that it can display the Right-To-Left version of your store. It is the responsibility of your theme to properly display all your store's elements in RTL mode, so please make sure your theme is RTL compatible before enabling this option!

If you have any questions or concerns about the Selector, or anything else, please send us a message at

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