Removing Translations

Translate & Currency has an AI translation task where you can create translations for a language, or a specific category of this language. For reference, you can visit this article How to use AI Translation

In addition to creating translations, you can also use the tool to remove translations as well. You can either remove translations for a category, or a specific sub-category.

On this page:

Removing Translations from a Category

To remove translations from a chosen category, here's how:

  1. Access the "AI & Autopilot Translation" from the dashboard.

  1. Select a language, and click "Load Text to Translate".

    Afterwards, choose the Category you would like to remove translations, and select Configure.

  1. Clicking Configure lets you access the "basic filter" page.

    To locate the Remove Translation function, scroll all the way down.

At the bottom part, the Remove Translation will be shown at the bottom left.

Clicking here will show a pop-up confirming if translations will be removed. After clicking, the task will proceed.

  1. The app will redirect to the "Task Logs" page, where you can view the task status.

    For reference:

Removing Translations from a Sub-Category


This particular method requires the Pro Plan, as this covers the "Advanced Filter" feature.

To remove translations from a sub-category, you would need to do the following steps:

  1. Open the "AI & Autopilot Translation" from the dashboard.

  2. Select a language, and click "Load Text to Translate". Choose the Category you would like to remove the translations, and select "Configure".

  3. This opens up the "basic filter" Page. However, we would need to access the "advanced filter" page. To do this, click on the indicated button below.

  1. This will open up the "advanced filter". This lets you choose the same categories as the "basic filter" will, but this also includes a sub-category filter.

    For product, if I want to remove Product Handles, then:

  2. Go to the bottom of the current page, and select "Remove Translation". This will remove translations for the selected Sub-Category.

If you encounter any issues with removing translations, please let us know at

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